The best way to get your life back from IBS
One of the biggest problems with IBS is the serious impact on quality of life for those who suffer from it. They worry about accidents and are hesitant about taking trips in the car or on public transportation. They miss workdays and may be late to work. They have to carefully choose where they sit in movie theaters and other entertainment venues.
I know a little about how that feels. I recent suffered from a painful case of sciatica. Most cases clear up in just a few weeks but mine took months to resolve. It definitely impacted my life: I had trouble sleeping because of the pain. I was unable to put shoes on (I spent several weeks wearing only flip-flops). I had to use a cane for the first time in my life. Sitting in a coffeeshop was difficult, and long drives aggravated the pain. I could not ride my bike, which is my favorite form of exercise. Because my sciatica persisted so long, I worried I’d never be able to ride my bike again. Finally, thanks to some hypnosis sessions and some physical therapy, the sciatica healed, and I felt like I had my life back.
But when I was researching irritable bowel syndrome, I saw that my lifestyle difficulties were trivial compared to those that IBS sufferers experience. I became determined to do what I could as a hypnotist to help people with IBS regain their lives, as well. My research also revealed that hypnosis is quite possibly the most effective solution for IBS. There are numerous scientific studies, like this one, that demonstrate the efficacy of hypnosis in reducing symptoms of IBS.
Now I am offering a program I call IBS Relief Now, a five-session hypnosis program designed to free you from IBS symptoms or reduce them dramatically, so that you can begin to live your life the way you want again. Part of the program involves teaching you skills to effectively manage stress and anxiety, so that you can be free from flareups and worrying about accidents. The program also resolves miscommunication between the brain and the lower gut, soothing oversensitive nerves and promoting a healthier, normal gut function. The IBS Relief Now program has helped some clients be completely free from symptoms, and others have experienced a significant reduction in symptoms.
One of the biggest problems with IBS is the lack of effective treatments. Special diets can be draconian in their restrictiveness, and the apps are built around managing, not eliminating IBS.
I hope you will consider IBS Relief Now, which is designed to get you major relief and help you get your life back. Please check out the site here to set up a free, confidential strategy session. You’ll be glad you did.
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