Anxiety Relief

Is it possible to get significant relief from anxiety and panic attacks in as little as 3-5 weeks? YES!

You’ve had a rough time. Panic attacks, feeling like you are losing control or going crazy, incessant, intrusive negative thoughts and an inability to relax. Anxiety comes in many unpleasant flavors and it can make your life miserable.

Here is the good news: hypnosis can be highly effective in combating anxiety. Even better, you will get tools and learn coping strategies that you can help you start feeling better quickly.

Dan has a comprehensive anxiety program that incorporates hypnosis, mindfulness meditation, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and other powerful tecniques to begin to ease your anxiety as quickly as possible.

There are many causes and types of anxiety, as well as varying levels of severity. Anxiety can often create a vicious cycle (click on the diagram at right), with various symptoms triggering other symptoms in turn. It’s important to distinguish anxiety from fear, which is which is an appropriate cognitive and emotional response to a perceived threat and is related to the specific behaviors of fight-or-flight responses, defensive behavior or escape.

Anxiety includes feelings of dread about future events or anxiety producing situations, and can feel insurmountable, leading to feelings of resignation or hopelessness.

Don’t lose hope! Hypnosis can be a powerful resource for reducing and/or eliminating symptoms of anxiety and breaking that vicious cycle. Relief can be long-lasting when the client employs skills and techniques taught during the sessions.

What about phobias? Phobias are an anxiety disorder with a very specific trigger (such as flying, dogs, spiders, needles, enclosed spaces, etc.) that causes the sufferer to go to great lengths to avoid those triggers. Phobias are usually learned quickly (although they may be strengthened by repeat exposure to the phobia trigger), and are also usually greatly reduced even totally eliminated by hypnotic methods.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can make your life very difficult. At Hypnosis Works! we have powerful tools and techniques for relieving PTSD.


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