
Please note that hypnosis is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological or psychiatric services, or counseling. Dan Perez does not provide therapy nor counseling, and you should regard anything he says as no more than friendly advice.

Additionally, note that Dan Perez is not a medical doctor and does not treat, prescribe for, or diagnose any condition. Dan Perez is a facilitator of hypnosis and is not practicing any other profession that requires a license or certificate under the laws of the State of Texas.

Dan Perez does not prescribe any medication, and is not licensed to give advice about any medication you may be taking. Please follow your doctor's advice about your current medications and consult with your doctor about any changes in your medications.

All that said, hypnosis has been proven to provide significant relief in a number of areas, and it has helped tens of thousands of people lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. To schedule a convenient, confidential, 20-minute phone consultation with Dan, please click on the blue button on this page.

Missed work IBS

The best way to get your life back from IBS

One of the biggest problems with IBS is the serious impact on quality of life for those who suffer from it. They worry about …

Practice helps with hypnosis

Hypnosis is a skill: practice and improve!

People often ask me if they can be hypnotized, and the answer is, in a majority of cases, yes. There is a small segment of …

Looking for help is sign of strength

Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can …