Recommended Books

Psycho-Cybernetics: Updated and Expanded (Maxwell Maltz, MD, FICS) This is one of the best self-help books ever written. Maltz was a visionary plastic surgeon who developed amazing insights into the human mind and the mind-body connection. Psycho-Cybernetics is a term coined by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, which means, “steering your mind to a productive, useful goal so you can reach the greatest port in the world, peace of mind.”

TNT: The Power Within You (Claude Bristol and Harold Sherman) This is another amazing self-help book that tells you how to achieve your life’s goals via the power of belief. The authors teach you that by visualizing a desired goal, repeating it, taking definitive action to move closer to it, you can achieve it.

Get the Life You Want (Richard Bandler) The genius co-inventor of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) teaches 35 amazing techniques to create quick and lasting changes in every area of your life. NLP has been described as “waking hypnosis” and these techniques can influence your subconscious mind in amazing ways.

What to Say When You Talk to Your Self (Shad Helmstetter) Learn how to reverse your negative self talk (your subconscious is listening!) and start making positive affirmations and embrace a more positive, optimistic outlook on life!

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (Edmund J. Bourne, PhD). Now in its sixth edition, this is a book that contains a wealth of techniques to help with phobias, and anxiety. There is no need to continue to live a life dominated by anxiety and fear!

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Steven C. Hayes and Spencer Smith) Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a new, scientifically based psychotherapy approach that takes a fresh look at why we suffer and even what it means to be mentally healthy.

Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain and Illness (Jon Kabat-Zinn) Mindfulness is a skill Sharon teaches to almost all her clients. It’s hugely useful as a method to combat negative thought patterns and improve your mental and physical well-being. The author has done groundbreaking work in the field of mindfulness and this book contains proven techniques.

Missed work IBS

The best way to get your life back from IBS

One of the biggest problems with IBS is the serious impact on quality of life for those who suffer from it. They worry about …

Practice helps with hypnosis

Hypnosis is a skill: practice and improve!

People often ask me if they can be hypnotized, and the answer is, in a majority of cases, yes. There is a small segment of …

Looking for help is sign of strength

Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can …