Weight Loss

Are you tired of dieting and exercise? Have you lost weight only to gain it back? With the power of hypnosis you can now step into a healthy lifestyle and be the happier, healthier, slimmer you that you deserve to be!

Congratulations! You’ve just taken the first step toward finally shedding those pounds and keeping them off. With Dan’s powerful weight-loss program you will develop a healthy lifestyle (not a diet or an eating plan) that suits your needs and allows the pounds to drop away easily and steadily.

A lingering question finally answered: why is it so difficult to lose weight? Losing weight can be a challenge when the reasons you overeat reside in your subconscious mind, as is the case with most people. You may be consciously aware of the need to trim down, but as any hypnotist can tell you, in any conflict between the conscious and the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind always wins.

But with hypnosis, solutions can be created within the subconscious mind. A hypnotist with decades of experience like Dan can remove subconscious blocks to eating healthier and permanently change the way you think and feel about food. The transition to a healthy lifestyle will be easy and quick.

So what are the benefits of this healthy lifestyle?

  • Effortlessly choose healthier, low-fat, low-sugar foods
  • Enjoy and even prefer smaller portions
  • Move away from processed foods,junk foods and sodas
  • Stop comfort eating and binge eating
  • Prefer fresh vegetables and drinking more water
  • Not sacrifice convenience
  • Watch the pounds drop away in a healthy manner
  • Eliminate the need for willpower
  • Reach your “magic wand” weight-loss goals
  • Be excited about the new changes

Dan has helped thousands of clients lose weight. Now it’s time for you to leave the fad diets behind and achieve a healthy lifestyle that propels you toward your desired weight. Set up a convenient 20-minute phone consultation by clicking on the Calendly button on this page. Or call 800-481-5949 today!


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